Date /


May  31 ,  2019

23:00 - 06:00


Venue /


Festae Omotesando Building B1F, 3-18-19 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo



Door /



Line-up /


Vaal (Pale Blue Dot / Afterlife)


DJ SAIMURA as Minima Liebenz (TECHVANE)

Katsu Arai + Fumihiko Takei (Phobos records)

Crazy Neo (White Space Lab)


VJ: comboy (TECHVANE) / scale



【 Tale Of Us率いるAfterlifeのキーメンバー、VAAL待望の初来日公演! 】


友人を経由してTale Of Usの元へ渡った一本のデモから彼女の大躍進は始まった!あの偉大なるロックスターStingの娘という生粋の音楽家系に生まれ育ちながら、エレクトロニック・ミュージックのキャリアを自ら切り開いてきた才女、VAALによる待望の初来日公演が5月31日に決定!


Theo ParrishやMoodymannに影響を受けてはじめてエレクトロニック・ミュージックに触れて以来、VAALは日の当たらない場所で活動を続けてきた。あるときに友人であるプロデューサーに渡した楽曲が、さらにその友人であるKarmとMatteoの元に渡った。彼らの別名はTale Of Usだ。ここから物事が急速に進む。Tale Of UsはVAALの音楽に興味をそそられたのだ。そこからたった数ヶ月でVAALはバルセロナのSonarでのLife And Deathのパーティーに誘われた。なんとそれがはじめてのDJギグだった。つまりここから彼女の物語は大きく変化し、今ではこの音楽シーンきっての人気レーベルであるAfterlifeの中心人物の1人として世界中で活躍を見せている。


生まれ持った才能とエレクトロニカへの愛情を駆使して、ディープなセットにやや憂鬱なフィーリングを溶け込ませてきたことで、着実にアイデンティとサウンドを強固なものにしてきた。自分のレーベルであるBaastard Recordsをはじめ、DJ TennisのLife And DeathやTale Of UsのAfterlifeからリリースが話題を呼び、中でも2016年にリリースした”Wander To Hell”は世界中でプレイされたヒット曲にもなった。





Key member of Tale of Us’ Afterlife print, VAAL finally makes her long-awaited Japan debut!


VAAL got her big break when her friend pass along a demo to Tales of Us. Daughter of eminent rockstar Sting, Vaal was raised in a truly musical household, but this talented artist went on to make a name for herself in the world of electronic music. Now VAAL will be dropping her first ever set in Japan, at Omotesando VENT on May 31st!


Highly influenced by Theo Parrish and Moodymann, VAAL has been living in the shadows ever since making first contact with electronic music. One fateful day, a producer friend of VAAL's who had some tracks over hers handed a demo over to his friends Karm and Matteo; also known as Tales of Us. Things escalated quickly after that. A Tale of Us were drawn to VAAL's music, and a few months later she was DJing at the Life and Death party at Sonar Barcelona, which was her first DJ gig. This was a huge turning point for VAAL, ever since she's been jet-setting, playing all over the world as a core member of one of the hottest labels out there, Afterlife. 


By capitalizing on her natural born talent and adoration of electronic music, VAAL melds melancholic emotion into a deep set, steadily reinforcing her identity and sound. She's released works on her own Baastard Records print, as well as on DJ Tennis' Life and Death, and of course Tale of Us' Afterlife, her 2016 release, "Wander to Hell", especially, gained a lot of play all across the globe, making it a proper hit.


An unstoppable force that is constantly evolving - she is the face of the new generation of techno. We welcome you to experience a night of cutting-edge music. You will not regret it.