Nikita Zabelin



23 Nov 2018

23:00 - 05:00


Venue /


Festae Omotesando Building B1F, 3-18-19 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 107-0062 Japan


Door /

3,500yen →ディスカウントできます、お問い合わせ下さい


Line-up /


Nikita Zabelin (трип, ARMA17, Resonance / Moscow)

DJ Sodeyama (трип / arpa)

Crazy Neo (White Space Lab)






Bob Rogue x Roman Filippov (Black Corporation)






【 Nina Kravizが見出したモダン・テクノのライジングスター、Nikita Zabelin 】


地元ロシアが誇るスーパースターNina Kravizに見出されて彼女のтрипレーベルに一番最初に契約したことを契機に、モスクワを超えていまやモダン・テクノシーンを象徴するアーティストに成長したNikita ZabelinがレーベルメイトであるDJ SODEYAMAと共に11月23日のVENTに緊急出演!


東欧のテクノシーンが近年急速に発展し、世界各地へ羽ばたくアーティストが増えてきている。その最大の震源地であるモスクワでは、伝説のクラブArma17やMosaiqueなどで開催されてきたパーティーでレジデントDJを務め、地元のエレクトロニック・ミュージックの情報発信基地でもある自身のラジオ番組Resonance Moscowを放送するなど、DJ/プロデューサーの活動以外にも才能ある若手をフックアップしたり、アーティストやプロモーター、クラブ、リスナーたちの為のコミュニケーションプラットフォームResonanceを立ち上げるなど多岐にわたる活躍を見せている


ロシアの凍てつく気候を彷彿とさせるインダストリアルなサウンドスケープが特徴的な彼のプロダクションはモダン・テクノのトレンドとなり、Nikita Zabelinはロシアのテクノシーンのアイコン的存在とにまで成長した。デトロイトで誕生しベルリンを通過してきたミニマル・テクノシーンは今ではモスクワでさらなる進化を遂げ、まさしくその中心にいるNikita Zabelinの1年ぶりとなるプレイをぜひ体感してほしい!


Discovered by Nina Kraviz, modern Techno's rising star, Nikita Zabelin returns to VENT!


When Russian superstar DJ Nina Kraviz discovered Nikita, she signed him to her трип label as the first artist on the roster. Since then he has transcended Moscow and has become deeply embedded as an up-and-coming artist in the modern Techno scene. Now, he has been locked into play alongside label-mate DJ Sodeyama at VENT on November 23rd!


The Eastern European Techno scene has really taken off in recent years with many artists spreading their wings and venturing into all corners of the earth. With Moscow being the epicenter of activity on the Eastern front, Nikita Zabelin has done residencies for parties at clubs like Arma17 and Mosaique, and hosts his own radio show, Resonance Moscow, which serves as a hotbed of information for the electronic music scene over there. Additionally, aside from his duties as a DJ and producer, Nikita has been known to hook up younger artists and give them advice, and founded Resonance, a communication platform for artists, promoters, clubs, and listeners to mingle with each other and share information about the scene.


Nikita's productions incorporate industrial soundscapes that have been clearly influenced by Russia's harsh freezing climate - these sounds have since trended within the modern Techno arena and Nikita has sort of become an icon within the scene. Born in Detroit and honed in Berlin, Minimal Techno has reached Moscow and is undergoing yet another form of evolution, and at the center of that movement is Nikita Zabelin! So do NOT miss his set - a year and a half in the waiting - at Omotesando VENT!




※Must be 20 or over with Photo ID to enter. Also, sandals are not accepted in any case. Thank you for your cooperation.